Oh! Rain
Oh! Rain that you fall
Oh! Rain light, thin and calm
Oh! Rain that slow you fall
Oh! Rain that slowly you bring water
Water that runs
Water that roams
Water that destroys
Water free
Water sweet
Water salty
Oh! Rain
Oh! Rain that you our hearts dump you make
Oh! Rain that you our souls dump you make
- "Have you noticed that every time you cry it rains?
- Yes,….Rain makes me sad
- No my love it is because you cry that rains …. (cf. MIB II)
Don't cry…
Don't cry, you are free
Free to follow your heart, your soul
Free to chase your desires
Go! Go…
Oh! Rain
Oh! Rain that you fall at night
Oh! Rain that you wet bodies
Night of mystic
Night of desire
Night when the dreams come true
Bodies wet under the rain
Bodies that collude under the water like melting iron or clay
Bodies of clay
Bodies of sugar
Bodies that follow their desires
Bodies that melt into pleasure
Oh! Rain what music thou creates
Oh! Rain sweet rain, changing Rain
Oh! Rain
Rain of sweating bodies
Rain of burning souls
Rain of falling dreams
Rain of passion
Rain of yesterday, of today
Rain of my dreams
Rain of eternity
Oh! Rain sweet rain, changing Rain