Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thoughts of Darkness...

I wonder when or rather if people ever come in terms with their past.

Maybe if before we died, God, the Universe, Budha, Allah, or whatever supposedly exists out there which no-one has seen though, gave us a week to reconcile with the past.

What would happen then?

Life is a joke and together with it anything that human “collective society” brings with it.

Life is an insurmountable suffer, a never-ending toil and whoever thinks other way is either a fool or a sage.

Life is indeed an unbearable torture for each person, the problem is if we had some brains, because we don’t that’s the only thing for sure, then maybe we wouldn’t have to experience life as such.

Most people need to reach death to understand how screwed up their life really was and most of us need to reach that point to first forgive ourselves for our mistakes and then the people (?) around us. Most of us need to reach death to realize that at some point we were alive, but then we do live in a perishable world where everything dies and lives and lives and dies and so forth indefinitely. And there is no stopping at it; there is no beating around the bush when it comes to the end we are all going to die. Yet it would have been nice to realize how alive we were before that.

Why is it so hard to look back and understand our former being with honesty and sincerity, but as well as others’.

When did we forget how to live and started searching for meaning in our surroundings?

The only place meaning resides is inside of us, in the deepest depths of our existence and in the archaic, archetypal, most basic experiences we get from each other. A touch, a smell, a smile, a sound, a taste these first few innermost basic experiences these are what guides us in life. This is where we should look for meaning not in the whole clutter we keep building in this so called “society”. There is no society, just a foul joke played by some entities on some other entities…

All we have to do is first look in and then look out and we will see a much clearer picture, a much clearer blue sky than we could ever imagine.


Hfaistiwnas said...

Έλα ντε, ποιός ο λόγος να αναζητάς τριγύρω σου την ευτυχία, μπορούμε να βρούμε και μόνοι μας όσα ζητάμε, και εμείς είμαστε ο καθοριστικός παράγοντας..

H ζωή ένας δρόμος που φαίνεται ατελείωτος..

Covenant said...

Nai genika...

Auti einai mia poly kali erwtisi... Tin opoia nomizw oi perissoteroi dystyxws apofeugoun na tin apantisoun...

Oso gia tin zwi isws telika einai kalytera kapoies fores na min skeftomaste ti einai kai ti den einai...

Alla na parei... Etsi den fainetai merikes fores... Ateleiwtos dromos.

Coffeemug said...

Το είπες μόνος σου. Αν δεν βιώσουμε την απώλεια, αν δεν την ακουμπήσουμε, αν δεν νιώσουμε το χνώτο της στο σβέρκο μας, δεν μπορούμε να το καταλάβουμε. Και μόνο όταν αφορά εμάς ή τους πολύ πολύ κοντινούς μας. Μόνο τότε καταλαβαίνουμε τη ματαιότητα κάποιον συμπεριφορών, την ματαιότητα των αντικειμένων, των αισθημάτων και των συναισθημάτων. Όλων αυτών που έχουμε συγκεντρώσει γύρω μας και αγωνιζόμαστε να τα κρατήσουμε. Ομως...η απώλεια πονάει. Πολύ.

Covenant said...

To eipa eee....

Ponaei i apwleia alla einai meros tis iparksis kathautis... Exw tin entypwsi oti den yparxei allos tropos na ekselixthei kaneis para mono mesw tis apwleias kai tis epanadimiourgias. Xaneis kati vriskeis kati allo. Kai tanapalin...

Den nomizw oti iparxei ousiastikos tropos gia na simfiliwtheis me ton ystato pono tis apwleias. Kai as lene oti theloun. Isws monaxa an katafereis na deis tin ousia tis tragwdias. Auto pou einai i zwi diladi...

Oloi xreiazomaste pausipona gia auto alloi to rixnoun sto xoro kai to tragoudi, alloi sto grapsimo kai alloi stin epistimi. Alloi kai sta tria. Kai vevaia iparxoun kai autoi pou xanontai.

Kserw gw evelpistei kaneis oti kapou tha tin vrei tin issoropia...

Coffeemug said...

Δεν με έχει πλησιάσει ο θάνατος, ούτε κάποιον πολύ κοντινό μου. Είμαι μάλλον τυχερή. Δεν μπορώ να πω ότι γνωρίζω την απώλεια όπως την αναφέρεις. Ομως είμαστε εδώ. Και παρ' όλες τις άλλες απώλειες που έχουμε υποστεί, προχωράμε, στο παρακάτω, ακόμα και αν προς στιγμήν νομίζουμε ότι δεν υπάρχει παρακάτω.

Coffeemug said...

Εχεις πολλά να διαβάσω. Το κάνω σιγά σιγά. Ευχαριστώ

Covenant said...

Den einai mono o thanatos apwleia... An kai isws gia ta anthrwpina metra isws einai aisthiti ws ystati (apwleia o thanatos) apwleia viwnei kaneis kathimerina an thelei na ekselisetai...

Proxwrontas mprosta afineis kati pisw...Estw kai ena vima...

Euxaristw pou me diavazeis!

No worries xronos iparxei!

Ksekinisa kai egw na se diavazw...Molis teleiwsw tha sou grapsw....