Thursday, June 02, 2016


I seek thee oh great lier 
I speak the false language 
And sing the shallow reefs 
I write nothing 

I seek the sea of wonders 
          the water that quenches all thirst 
          the ship that sails on the grand line 
          the unabated mystery to fill the void 

I sit in darkness and wallow 
My flesh rots upon the sunlight 
As it pleases you 
my mind shall never be still 

There is no purity but impurity 

Or so a friend sings 
The one who called me today 
A voice from the void 
Light it seems through darkness 

I shall be consumed boiled 
rather than grilled 
tasteless my soul 
like my flesh. 

Whenceforth propels the seafarer 
the ship to its lost journey 
you seek life in the dead 
but only myths exist
the lost settlement holds 
no dear secret 
only the excrement of youth 
and the truth of man

"If you don't care where you are going you are never lost" Murphy 

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